Monday, July 19, 2010

Your Friday Options

Friday is a day of many options! As folks begin looking at the registration packet in more detail, some questions have arisen we hope to answer here!

At 4-H regional forums, Fridays have usually been designated for tours of the host state. We've done things just a little bit differently and provided different options for you to consider on Friday.

When making your choice, just make sure to look at the departure and return times and make sure your plan for the day is logistically feasible.

Your Friday Options
  • One half-day tour and relax the other half (Grotto lunch voucher)

  • One workshop and relax (Grotto lunch voucher)
  • One half-day tour and one workshop - one in am, one in pm, you decide! (Grotto lunch voucher)
  • Two half-day tours (but please check the times carefully-you may have to give up on lunch or eat very quickly!)
  • Two workshops (lunch voucher provided)
  • Full day tour (lunch while on tour - venues vary.)
  • Sleep in, relax, walk the boardwalk, or take in Rehoboth on your own. This last option does not include lunch.
After dinner, you have the option of joining the larger Delaware 4-H community in a lighted memorial walk on the boardwalk - in memory of Joy Sparks. Everyone will carry illuminated sticks as we walk the boardwalk - we hope to  raise cancer awareness as well as provide a glowing tribute to a woman who served Delaware 4-H exceptionally as its state program leader.

After the walk, it's time to put on the leis, stick a flower behind your ear and get in Luau mode - enjoy island music and the warmth of good friends - old and new.